Material level detection is the measurement of material reserves in equipment and containers. Material level detection provides reliable basis for ensuring the normal operation of the production process, such as adjusting the material balance, mastering the material consumption quantity, and determining the product output. Level detection plays an important role in the process monitoring of modern industrial production automation.
Refers to the surface position of liquid or solid materials in equipment and containers. There are the following definitions for materials with different properties. Liquid level → liquid medium surface height liquid level gauge material level > solid material accumulation height > level meter detection boundary position → different liquid interface position > interface level is the general name of liquid level, material level and boundary level. The instrument for measuring, indicating and controlling material level is called material level measuring instrument.
【静压式液位变送器】常见的物位/液位自动化仪表使用基础/静压投入式液位变送器(投入式液位计)适用于石油化工、冶金、电力、制药、供排水、环保等系统和行业的各种介质的液位测量。精巧的结构,简单的调校和灵活的安装方式为用户轻松地使用提供了方便。4~20mA、 0~5v、 0~10mA等标准信号输出方式由用户根据需要任选。